Prayer 355 - One Year On

Clarion Call Day 355 - One Year On

Almighty, eternal God

Who lives outside time

And yet inhabits every moment of time.

How wonderful and majestic are your ways.

How astonishingly unlimited

How far beyond human comprehension

Just amazingly amazing!


And your Word, O Lord

The written word of holy scripture

Which we have unpacked over this year

Layer by layer like an eternal onion

Never running out of wonder and wisdom

Speaking into our lives each and every day.


As we ask, “now what?”

We do so with expectation and excitement

Aware that you are full of fresh life

Fresh and new and vibrant

Ready to surprise and bless again today

Looking for us to follow where you will lead.

Lead on Lord, and we will seek to faithfully follow

In Jesus’ name.


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Sunday 22nd December
10:00am - 11:00am -
Tuesday 24th December
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