Clarion Call Day 345
“Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.” 1 Samuel 3:10
Lord, make me hungry to hear your voice
Longing to tune into your intonation
Willing to turn off the television
Keen not to ‘miss a single word’
Like a love-struck teenager in love
Re-reading texts and emails
Squeezing every meaning from every phrase
Hanging on to each word
Loving the fact that you would talk to me.
“Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.”
Not for titillation Lord
Not so that I can feel good
Not for my pleasure or fulfilment
But that I might
Hear and understand and obey and follow
Signing–up for active service
Taking my place in the army of God
Playing my part in the team
Contributing to the cause of Christ
Serving my Lord and my master.
“Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.”
Let me be that servant Lord!