Prayer 330

Clarion Call Day 330

Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains. James 5:7



The world waits

Waiting for the pandemic to end

Waiting for freedom and the lifting of restrictions

For a new day

For a new day … like the old days

But we forget

The darkness of the past

That the old days had troubles of their own


We don’t like to wait

We struggle to be patient

We want it all NOW

Instant happiness

Instant satisfaction

Instant perfection

…. Instant lifting of restrictions



Wherever we are in the cycle of the seasons

You call upon us to be patient

Patient like the farmer

Trusting that you are in control

And that you are here with us

In the midst of life.


So, ever-patient God,

Please continue to be patient with me

Save me from the impatience that eats away

At my peace

Give me patience to share with others

As we await for your timing

For the seasons to change.


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