Clarion Call Day 205
Lord Jesus
We long for truth and understanding
For the ability to see through the mist of confusion
To understand all that is going on
To be able to answer the question, “Why?”
You have revealed so much
You have shown us the Father
You have given us your Word
You have sent the Holy Spirit
An astonishing array of resources and tools to help us to live
With wisdom and maturity
In love and unity ….
And instead of becoming disciplined
In the use of what you have given us
We greedily cry out for more
For more with less effort
For answers without reasoning
For easy replies to difficult questions.
Forgive us Lord
Forgive me, Lord
For demanding more before I learn to use well
What I have already been given.
Teach me to study and to listen and to think
To seek the Wisdom of God from the God of all Wisdom.
In Jesus’ name.